Our Mission: To Find Solutions on Aging in Oracle Elvia Schwenke, Sue Parra, Frank Pierson, Craig Anderson, Melinda & Bill Hutton, Lily Herron, Liz Lafarge, Ann Rose, Hector Lovemore, Darrell Klesch This small group of concerned residents in Oracle have come together to discuss and gather information about the elderly in Oracle. This group was formed because many of us over the years, have seen our friends and neighbors age or become ill and be forced into a position of having to leave their homes and community. It has become a heartbreaking fact because there are no assisted living homes or programs in Oracle. These are the issues this group intends to focus on, and hopefully help bring much needed services to Oracle. We have developed a simple survey to assess the needs of the elderly population and we need help in getting these surveys out to those who may need assistance. If you would like more information about this group, or would like to help us get the survey out to people please contact any of us below: Elvia [email protected] Sue [email protected] Frank [email protected] Lily [email protected] Craig [email protected] Liz [email protected] ------- Flyer text by Sue Parra
A Facebook post from the team leader of our local clinic: Update on the Mammoth Dialysis Center. We are officially closed now as most people in our community know. As the manager this has been a difficult time. Today was my last day and as I sat there in the empty clinic I couldn’t help but feel so sad for our community. We treated patients from Kearny all the way to Catalina. And all towns in between. This clinic provided life saving treatments, which are still available,but now are such a burden for local patients and family’s to get to. So many memories in that building. For the patients and staff we become like extended family because we see each other 3times a week. Between my staff and I we had over 70 years of experience in dialysis. I TRULY HAD A GREAT TEAM. Our clinic was one of the top performing clinics in Southeast AZ. We had high scores in all our quality measures. This tragedy boils down to profit unfortunately. We were not making a profit for the company. I appreciate all the local concern and commitment to trying to keep us open. I don’t believe any one person or local official could have changed the outcome though unfortunately. I’m trying to see a silver lining in all this, but I can’t. Closure of this top performing clinic was a huge blow to all of us in Oracle, the Tri-Community and Copper Corridor.
An Oracle resident asked some pointed questions about the huge water download from an Oracle fire hydrant. Below is the email in full with minor edits.
----------- Hi friends! There is another concern in town that people continue to come to me about. You have probably noticed the water trucks and tankers filling up there trucks in front of the trailer park coming into Oracle. This has been going on for months now. The rumor came out that it was water going to the construction site for the electrical project Sunzia (sorry if I spelled that wrong)! I have talked to a few of the truck drivers and they did confirm it was the Sunzia project. The county passed the buck to the Az Water Company, so I called them to ask a few questions. I talked to the office supervisor and he said it was an account that he couldn’t discuss. But without confirming it, he didn’t deny it was this project. I asked him about our water table being affected and reminded him of the Wilcox water debacle (running out of water). He said that only happened because they are a farming community. We do not have to worry about that happening in Oracle. He also said he could provide us with studies they have done to prove this. He was very cooperative and (I) felt confident he was being honest about it. I did tell him it was terrible that a company/project that the residents of Oracle fought against is now taking hundreds of thousands of gallons of water from us!!! But in the last couple of weeks, after I spoke to him, it seems they have totally ramped up the trucks coming into town. It’s not just all day Monday through Friday, they are now filling up all day Sat & Sun! It’s not just rental water trucks and an occasional tanker truck, it’s now several different tanker trucks a day! Sometimes 3 or 4 trucks are lined up! I just wanted to share this with you and ask if you have any real concerns about this? I will include some pics of the trucks. One of the last times I visited with Gerardo Alcaraz he was recovering from a serious surgery in a skilled nursing facility in Tucson. He was in need of dialysis and was buoyed by being able to access the dialysis unit in Mammoth, about 10 miles from Oracle. Today I ran into Gerardo in the Oracle Post Office. In our talk he told me the Mammoth dialysis unit was closed... to him and the many others dependent on the services of the facility all up and down the Copper Corridor. That was the first I'd heard of it. Like me, most local residents were (and are) clueless ... unless you personally or a family member or close friend have needed dialysis.
"Nobody knew about the closure until it happened," Gerardo said. I promised him I'd do what I could to get the word out and help stir the pot ... so here I am trying to do just that. ------ ABC 15 article here: www.abc15.com/news/state/some-pinal-county-residents-concerned-over-lack-of-healthcare-as-dialysis-center-closes |
AuthorKaz and I moved to Oracle in 1979. The house we bought dated to the late 1940s. With little advance knowledge of the place, we set out to build a new life together, intending to settle in and raise a family. Categories
February 2025