Check out what's happening off Tiger Mine Road. Landing fields blasted for supersized transmission towers.
---------------- SunZia/Pattern rip up the environment in our region:vid here: Drew Kirk's drone's eye view: --------------- Pulled from Facebook post: ------------------ Robson pushed SunZia transimission line corridor away from SaddleBroooke Ranch with one letter! The effort to stop SunZia from completing a massive power transmission line through the San Pedro River Valley (and now Oracle) is gaining momentum ( On January 17 2024 the San Carlos Apache, Tohono O’odham, Archaeology Southwest, and Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit against the Department of the Interior, BLM, and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland to stop the irreversible damage being inflicted. And on February 5 the same party filed a lawsuit against the Arizona Corporation Commission.
Coming and going around Oracle, whether picking up mail, patronizing a local business, walking the neighborhood, or just plain hanging out, one of the top-of-mind questions of late is: What’s happening with Way of Bean Coffee Club in its battle with Pinal County. (Recall that a large group of concerned citizens went up to Florence last August to push back on county efforts to bring “The Bean” to heel.) It seemed, despite the big numbers of folks making the trek to the county seat along with the numbers of letters and emails supporting Way of Bean, the county bureaucracy had dug in. There came a “cease and desist order”, a blizzard of threats, deadlines set, and the possibility of the Bean’s closure . It’s difficult to know what turned the tide since the “deadlines” came and went but that tide has turned… in Way of Bean Coffee Club’s favor. Was it public pressure? Was it other businesses weighing in with similar grievances? Was it someone in Florence-command-central (like the county manager) deciding the fight wasn’t worth the problems it was creating? Or was it all of the above plus a well crafted letter by Way of Bean’s owner/operator (Kristina Olivares) arguing her case? The upshot of all this is that the the county has backed off its complaints and reassigned the health department inspector in favor of a more relational guy… someone you might even want to have a cup of coffee with. 's When you stop to think about it, Oracle is a better place because a business owner backed by a group of residents and customers made their voices heard in a time and place that mattered.
Maybe we need even more of this can-do spirit around here when it comes to other pressing issues - like the outrageous shakedown of SCIP customers by another government bureaucracy that's supposed to be serving the public good. What do you think? NOTES FROM JANUARY 30, 2024 COMMUNITY MEETING RE: AMERICAN AVE ROAD SAFETY ASSESSMENT (RSA) Meeting Location: Oracle Community Center Meeting Date/Time: January 30, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Taken by Jean Wilcox, OSCR (Thanks, Jean!) Organized by Pinal County, attended by Supervisor Jeff McClure and his assistant Trecia, County Engineer Chris Wannaker, Construction Operations Manager Dedrick Denton, Public Works Manager Charles Williams, Senior Transportation Planner Steve Abrams, and Craig Ricketts presenter from the consulting firm that conducted the RSA.
Craig Rickett’s power point will be available from Pinal County after it is presented to the board of supervisors. Data was collected by a subcontractor, United Civil Group. The RSA provides qualitative estimates of safety and performance, and identifies opportunities for improvement. (Name of Rickett’s company?). American Avenue right of way (ROW) varies in width from 200+’ on the western end, down to 100’ for most of American Avenue, with a constricted narrower width at the curve just east of The Bean where the road crosses a small wash, then widens to 100’ and up to 200’ at the east end. Several of us from the immediate neighborhood worked with UA landscape architecture students and Pinal County's Kent Taylor. on this plan. Construction was scheduled to begin this month.
The original and newly arranged piano music of Johannes Brahms... left many in the audience "weak in the knees" (as Kaz put it). "Thrilling", someone else said. "Elevating and intoxicating," said another. .
AuthorKaz and I moved to Oracle in 1979. The house we bought dated to the late 1940s. With little advance knowledge of the place, we set out to build a new life together, intending to settle in and raise a family. Categories
February 2025