Opportunities like this don't come down the pike very often - the right person, with the right experience, landing in the right spot! Lorena Candelaria: "I have been a “Oraclian” for 2 whole years now. The mothership hasn’t kicked me out yet! I had the second seizure in the West elementary band room in Coolidge that forced me to retire. I truly thought I would never get to teach band again. "It’s amazing how life can change in just 2 years! I get to share music with kids again in the MSMUSD, even if it’s part time! My heart is HAPPY and life is good! God is great! "Thank you to the Oracle Piano Society for making this venture possible for the local area kids and ME!!" Vivis Barba
"Congratulations my fav band teacher ever!!!! Because of you, I fell in love with my clarinet when you first taught me at Lincoln Elementary back in 1994! Keep it up Ms.Lugo (That's what I remember you by You are our future and more kids out there need you" ------------------------------------ Here's a way to make a contribution straight to the band program right now. Check it out and kick in if you are so moved. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2T1N1JQJ8990?ref_=wl_fv_le
By coincidence my brother, John, and I attended "masterclasses" in the same week. His was in London mine, of course in Oracle. John is a life long pianist. He was raving about how great it was as a 79 year old who still takes regular lessons. The sum total of my musical experience was taking guitar for 2 years at the age of 12. So his experience was grounded differently than mine. Duh!
The fact is I had never observed a masterclass until the Oracle Piano Society/OrCA hit town. At least not musically speaking. Looked at as a teaching/learning experience without a music focus I've been in lots of them because I've had some great teachers in multip;le fields. Some of the same qualities apply across the board. To gardening, cabinet making, public speaking, organization building, child raising, every sport, writing, art appreciating, personal training, band. On and on. Performance mastery, attention, care, inspiration, challenge, precision are all part of the mix in master- class practice. This helps explain why Kaz and I appreciated the masters, students, and the impresario himself (at left in the above image) so much. |
AuthorKaz and I moved to Oracle in 1979. The house we bought dated to the late 1940s. With little advance knowledge of the place, we set out to build a new life together, intending to settle in and raise a family. Categories
October 2024