To outsiders - some politicians, distant bureaucrats, and residents of neighboring planned communities - it may appear insignificant. What's the fuss about cutting the county's free trash voucher program in half (from 6 to 3) and raising some bureaucratic hoops in the process? No big deal, right?
But stop to consider this: In the real world of Oracle and its environs, the free voucher program at minimal cost has reduced desert dumping, cut into backyard trash accumulation, cut fire risk and encouraged neighborliness of mutual aid. Not to mention helping out with family budgets. So maybe what looks like "little stuff" to outsiders matters a lot to the folks who live in Oracle and the other communities in the Copper Corridor. -------------- There's another angle on this situation that bears consideration. That is how local government can turn local relationships into an excercise in suspicion. Distancing the voucher program (and obviously so many others) means applicants are by definition suspect. Who are you really and are you worthy of what what we're conditionally bestowing on you if you manage the hoops properly. If you don't you're just plain stupid or technologically incompetent which is another way of saying the same thing. Small communities in the Copper Corridor are still face-to-face and trust based. We give up that ground grudgingly. Our Florence Goverment is severing those ties bit by bit. Game the system for a voucher? OMG. Scottsdale lawyers fronting Goliath developers know what gaming the system really means. They're talking millions and tens of millions not nickels and dimes.
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AuthorKaz and I moved to Oracle in 1979. The house we bought dated to the late 1940s. With little advance knowledge of the place, we set out to build a new life together, intending to settle in and raise a family. Categories
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